Confessions of a Bibliophile

God Emperor of Dune (Dune Chronicles #4)

Originally published on Goodreads.

Rating: 2/5

Leto Atreides II (who really should be Leto III) has become a monstrous God. Literally. His goal of attaining the Golden Path has forced him to transform into a sandworm. But he’ll do anything to save humanity from the terrible fate he has foreseen.

Spoilers ahead.

Plot and Pacing: I was so confused. About everything. So I did some research and chanced upon an answer/article on Quora (link at the bottom) which completely changed my mindset about this series. The pacing was horrific but after reading said article, I have a better appreciation for Herbert’s work (which is why I gave this book 2/5 rather than 1/5). Leto II essentially sacrificed himself to bring about this Golden Path. I’m not entirely sure what the consequences would have been if he hadn’t. Something about machines, I think, and human complacency. There were actually a lot of things which I didn’t understand but I’m hoping all my questions will be answered in the next two books (that’s right! Only two more books to go!).

Characters: I absolutely despised Leto II. I couldn’t understand WHY he did what he did. I also couldn’t half of the things he said (although the other characters could understand him with no problem). Why did have to be a terrible God Emperor? Was it really necessary to marry Ghanima? And why did he need so many Duncans if he knew how they would all turn out? After reading that article on Quora though, I pity Leto II. I feel sorry for him. Unlike his father, Paul, he accepted the fact that he never had an identity. He was the vessel through which the Golden Path would become reality. He was braver than Paul in doing so. I don’t know why Ghanima couldn’t have taken the mantel. Moving on. Siona was such a wasted character. She started off as being a very promising female character (for once) but I was let down pretty early on in the book. Even Hwi Noree was so…ugh…annoying. I feel that the only reason Herbert included females in his book was to drive wedges between the male characters. Other than that, they literally have no other purpose. Well, there are the Bene Gesserit sisters they’re not that great.

Writing Style: The writing was boring to the point where I actually dreaded reading. That’s never happened to me before. I won’t say anymore about this because I feel like I’m paraphrasing my previous reviews of this series.

Although I have no intention whatsoever to read the spinoff series, I am going to plough through the rest of the original Dune series. Wish me luck.

Here’s the link I was referring to. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’ve read the series and had no idea what was going on.

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